Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Rangeresqe Endorsing Tactical Warfighter Gear Technology

Rangeresqe Endorsing Tactical Warfighter Gear Technology
Tactical Gear Consultants Team With
Northern, MT, April 01, 2007 --( RangerMade Tactical Gear Consultancy is again expanding their portfolio with latest affiliate Rangeresqe Tactical Warfighter Gear. The Northern Montana group offers Military and Security consultancy via Field-Phase Beta testing on emerging soldier technologies. Department Head Andrew McKinley discusses the arrangement. “We felt the need to compartmentalize to better focus on future objectives and the direction the company is heading.” The company made a name for itself in the mid 90’s with preeminent Special Operations camouflage designs. The Procurement Consultants released the latest Juxto-Generation camouflage late last year, a final installment it what they say is the terminal generation in modern woven textiles for military industry concealment. “There will likely continue to be modifications to some of the Personal Concealment and Hide Systems over the next couple years, however next generation visual deception measures are already emerging,” McKinley remarked. The firm has placed a heavier emphasis on Tactical Gear over the last few years with development and testing on numerous Soldier Support Systems. Battlefield dictates are engaging tomorrow’s Future Force Warfighter technologies with today’s land warrior now. The new “system of systems” approach is evidenced already at the individual warfighter equipment level. “We needed a platform to focus on primary areas of consideration. The highly specialized niche covers three main divisions. The Assault Mode: (-45lbs) water, ammo, and load bearing system. The Approach Load: (avg. 70lbs) extended long range personal support existence. The Subsistence VER Kit: (100-120lbs) Vicinity of External Re-supply. The objective is to merge current systems into an integrated ensemble that can be realistically borne by human means,” McKinley continued. “The current Defense budget is teeming with exploratory allocations for new concept liquid body armor, lightweight renewable power systems & enhanced batteries, emerging nano-technologies, man portable HVAC units, and augmented exoskeleton projects. Rangeresqe associates will increasingly handle much of the traffic and enquiries regarding these issues. The new affiliate will be completing NexGen ADVACON endorsements late Fall 2007 on compact military rugged computing systems and Digital ComTech radio headsets. This battlefield shift is taking place on several dynamic fronts and Tactical Warfighter Gear Consultants promise to be there to establish a beachhead,” McKinley concluded. Further information is available to the public at www.RangerMade.US or

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